Remember when Newspapers had early and late editions?

Thursday Thoughts -- The Late Edition Waiter: we've just had some lobsters flown in from Maine Customer: oh the poor things, their first night in the big city and they have to end up on my plate. from The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett: "Power means nothing without a decent harvest in the barn and a flock of Sunday dinners grazing on the hills." (something our politicians should be more aware of eh?) Thoughts: I went to bed last night knowing I hadn't scheduled a post for today, thinking that I'd get a couple of hours sleep then be wide awake, or at least awake enough, to put something here by 2-3am. Well, that didn't work out, as you can see. It's almost 8am already. Tuesday night's wide awakeness didn't repeat itself, instead my brain is a heat-melted mush puddle and all I want to do is lie around doing nothing until April. Or May. Probably I should have stayed home yesterday, but things had to be done, so out I went...