Words for Wednesday

It’s Wednesday!    
And December.  

Which means it is my turn to provide you all with words to challenge your minds.
Write a story, write a poem; the choice is yours. 

Post it here in the comments, or on your own blog, it doesn’t have to be today, but please leave a note in the comments here so we can all find you and read your creation.

Here are the words:



Living alone and lonely in damp little cottages.


  1. I'll have to think about that one for a little while.

  2. Okay..here we go.
    On the far edge of 'nowhere near here', where the winds rage and the waves roar, is a tiny village. Spread unevenly over rocky coastal ground, humble dwellings of dirt and branches offer little comfort. The inhabitant thereof, living alone and lonely in damp little cottages, pine for the light that never comes. This is their punishment....never ending.

    1. Ouch. That is truly dark - and I love it.

    2. Isn't it great? Delores's dark side holds some fabulous stories. Poetry too, although I don't understand them often.

  3. Delores; wow! I love the name 'nowhere near here'. Whatever did they do to deserve this? I can't think of a worse punishment.

  4. My contribution will be appearing on SATURDAY this week because Friday is Christmas Day.

  5. He was brilliant a expert on everything, much healthier than everyone else, she was a ecological crazy person with a heart as big as the world and so much fun to be with he tuned into her radar and never tuned out again but what he didn't realise she could be a sneak and when she wanted something she would use fair means or foul, he never guessed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I can't spell so I removed my last attempt.
      Love it - and expect that his brilliance is useless against her womanly wiles.

    3. Merle; this is really really good, I love it! :)

  6. After a busy day of Christmas preparation I have moved to the sad side. I hope I have used up all the sad...

    In healthier, happier days they looked forward to a brilliant future. World renowned ecological experts living an ethical, sustainable life.
    Even if they had been granted a sneak peak at their future they would not, could not have accepted it; living alone and lonely in damp little cottages wasn't on the radar.
    Sadly it was true. A cancer diagnosis for him, and a battle with the bottle for her left them estranged, lonely, and without hope...

    1. Elephant's Child; this is truly sad, and probably true far too often. But an excellent story.
      My Christmas wish this year is for a brighter future for everybody.

  7. I must be out of whack...I didn't notice this when I came in before. Here is my use of the phrase and words given.

    "LIVING ALONE AND LONELY IN DAMP LITTLE COTTAGES didn’t ever register in the minds of the small mountain community – because it couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Loneliness was something none within the commune ever experienced. Their cottages may be covered in lichen but they weren’t damp.

    The members of the community enjoyed flying beneath the RADAR. They loved their BRILLIANT lifestyle, life choices; their freedom.

    They were far HEALTHIER than their city-dwelling cousins.

    Day by day they’d become EXPERT at ECOLOGICAL research just from being constantly aware of their surroundings and everything within it that shared their small space in the world.

    If, in the humid heat of summer, they wanted to go about naked or near naked, they did without embarrassment. They didn’t feel the need to SNEAK around. Their society was open-minded, free of judgment

    1. Lee; nirvana in the mountains, well done.
      Not your fault you missed it, I have three posts here today.

  8. Well done everyone...great little essays. :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Living alone and lonely in damp little cottages turned out to be a brilliant way to sneak under the radar of the interfering ecological expert determined to make our land healthier by forcing us to stop using herbicides.

    1. no-one; an entirely different perspective, I like it. Thank you so much for joining in.


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