Sunday Selections # 254

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm back in my old files with another random selection for you.

A few photos from my day at Hahndorf several years ago, and some bonfire photos for you northern hemisphere people to warm your hands over. 

I'd been curious about Birkenstocks since reading about them in a book long ago, apparently they were a favourite with Hippies, so of course I stopped in at the shop.
so many pretty shoes! And not one pair within my price range :(  
I may go back one day and blow the grocery money on a pair of pretties.

this lovely building is a restaurant and a cheese tasting place. The name? Udder Delights.

free tastings! and wine to wash them down.

I love the look of bricks and stonework, the veranda is just a nice bonus.

this gorgeous old building...

is a restaurant! Cedar's Brasserie. $19.50 buffet; 7 days a week. That's pretty good! 
Of course this photo is about four years old, the price may have changed a bit.

Largest and best smorgasboard in the hills. I believe it too. German foods and beer? Has to be good!
I didn't eat there, I hadn't taken much money that day, always planning to go back one day with a full purse. I think next Easter might be a good time, I could get autumn photos of the trees in the area.

the outdoor dining area, I'm not sure if it is the only one, there may be a beer garden out the back as well.

this is a bonfire at a birthday party I went to several years ago, look how red hot those coals are!
I stood well back from the heat and zoomed in with the camera. It looks smallish, but it was a couple of metres wide.

seen from even further back as new wood was added.

here's the flames taking hold again

warm your hands over this.

I like the patterns that developed as the wood burned.

more red hot coals as the fire began dying down

the smoke made interesting patterns too.
It was a great night, a lovely party.

and now, because it is mid-December, we begin with the Christmas songs. 
This first one is chosen with Diane in mind.

Christmas Cookies by George Strait

and the lyrics:

they're easy enough to understand just by listening, but I like to supply lyrics when I can.




  1. Hahndorf rather reminds me of the little town of Nashville; the one in Indiana, not Tennessee. Oddly enough, I picked up a pair of Birkenstock boots there a few years ago.

  2. I bought a pair of Birkenstock sandals once....never did get on to wearing them. Most uncomfortable foot gear I've ever owned.

    1. I agree with you but my mother adores them. I gave her my two pairs.

  3. Hahndorf looks lovely. And Udder Delights is a wonderful name.

  4. I love Handorf!! Haven't been there for years and years!! I will have to take my mother to the Birkenstock store.. I don't remember them being there last time.

  5. I have a pair of Birkenstock sandals that have lasted for about 20 years!!

  6. I just checked my blog Hahndorf photos and we did not snap the same buildings. There is plenty there to photograph. I miss bonfire night, or cracker night as we called it at times.

  7. Jacquelineand...I'd forgotten they make boots too. I'll have to look into them next time I go.

    Delores; they're not for everybody, we all have different feet.

    Elephant's Child; it's the perfect name. I may lunch there next time I go.

    Yvonne Kirk; must be time you went again, Birkenstocks have been there as long as i remember. Now of course, I'll have to check and see if they are still there.

    fishducky; that's a long time, so they were worth every penny.

    Andrew; I didn't know you'd been to Hahndorf, must have slipped my mind somehow.

    1. It was a few years ago and you were a working lass back then.

  8. They are lovely old buildings. They look very inviting.

    I've never owned a pair of Birkenstock, and doubt I ever will. I'm not fond of the look of them...I'm not fond of the prices of them either! lol

    But...I do love George Strait! I have a few of his CDs....they were always on the playlist of a restaurant I worked in up north. If you've not seen the movie "Pure Country", River...see if you can find it somewhere. It's a nice little movie. The music from it is wonderful, particularly - "I Cross My Heart". It has a tendency to cause one's eyes to become misty - mine, anyway! :)

    Have a great week...cuddles to Angel. :)

  9. Lee; I'm in two minds about Birkenstocks. They're so pretty, but so expensive.
    I've not seen Pure Country, but I do have one song from it, Heartland. And I think I've heard I Cross My Heart, but not recently.

  10. See many things in the fire. Miss the bonfire.
    Don't recall those shoes, maybe we didn't have then down here..

  11. Margaret-whiteangel; possibly you don't, but you could always plan a trip to Hahndorf if you wanted to see and try some on. That's if they're still there. It's four years since I was there last.

  12. Hahndorf is such a pretty town. We stopped there on our epic move across the country seven years ago.

    Birks are super comfy and oh so popular among many people these days - almost worth the cost of a meal or two, as they'll last for ages and ages.
    The animal/cruelty free, 'microfibre' uppers also wear very well and don't take as long to "break in".

    Love a good roaring bonfire. Tribal and communal.

  13. Vicki; so that's two votes for comfort and longevity. I'm going to have to go back to Hahndorf.

  14. I have an acquaintance who's always wearing Birkenstocks. She says she finds them at thrift stores. Just an idea to keep in mind if you decide you want a pair.

  15. I have an aunt who has lived in Hahndorf for over 40 years now. I deeply love that place. Whenever we would go to visit, I would do a main street walk.

    The closest thing we have to Hahndorf here is either Berry or Kangaroo Valley, I will try to do a Sunday Selections walkthrough of one or both of those in 2016. ;)

    Here is my post this week - Sunday Selections Week 50 better late than never! ;)

  16. Kathy G; I wore hand-me-down shoes from birth until my feet grew bigger than my sister's. and never since.

    Snoskred; I look forward to seeing photos of those places.


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