Tuesday's Christmas Song Selection

Three more sleeps until the big day! 

Do you have everything ready?
Gifts wrapped? Home decorated? 
Have you bought all the ingredients for the foods you plan to cook and eat on Christmas Day?
If you've invited guests and/or family, don't forget to stock extra toilet paper. And extra batteries for any toys that need them.

Today's songs:

Alan Jackson

Let It Be Christmas Everywhere.

and one of my favourites,

We Need a Little Christmas
(Sung by the cast from Glee)

Kapunahala Elementary Christmas Performance
14 December 2013 Kaneohe, Hawaii 


  1. Hi River,

    Yes to everything - apart from the loo roll!


    Merry Xmas




  2. Merry Christmas, River & Angel!!

  3. Not ready.
    Grocery shopping today.
    Shopping for fruit salad ingredients tomorrow (when the markets are open).
    LL Thursday.

  4. Plasman; the loo rolls are most important, not just for the loo. It's absorbent paper that can be used for tissues, mopping up spills, little kids who are bored sill can use a roll to play mummies and wrap each other up.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    fishducky; Merry Christmas to you and your family too.

  5. No decorations going up here - other than my golden reindeer and a Santa, both of whom are about 18 inches high and are sitting my my coffee table...that's the only decorations.

    I always have more than an ample supply of toilet paper...there is never a chance of me running out even if the army arrived! The local supermarket borrows from me when their stock runs low!

    I have no gifts to wrap...I've posted and already given all gifts. And I will be doing no cooking on Christmas Day. I'm having fresh cold seafood...I'm picking it up on Christmas Eve. I have a half leg of ham...and I have a pile of fruit (will by a top up on Christmas Eve...mostly cherries and watermelon...as well as a top up of my other stone fruits). My Christmas cake, fruit mince pies, nuts and licorice allsorts etc., are all waiting expectantly! And I've a couple of surprises for Remy and Shama.

    Not only do I have enough toot paper on hand to service the army...I've enough food to feed the army, air force and navy combined - same old story...and there's only me and my two furry rascals who will be grazing upon it!!

    Oh...and I will be making a smallish trifle for myself on Christmas Eve in readiness!!! I really, really, really do need that! lol

  6. Elephant's Child; I have to shop too, for fresh ingredients for a pasta salad that I'm taking along on Thursday when I'm having dinner with my niece and great-nephew.

    Lee; I don't stock toilet paper the way I used to, I just don't have the space for it.
    The only gift I've wrapped is the one for my great-nephew, he's 2 and 1/4, so unwrapping is the fun part for him.
    Christmas Day will be leftovers for me. There'll be pasta salad from the day before and probably some ham, definitely mince pies and a small Christmas cake that EC sent me.
    Are you planning to invite the Army, Air Force and Navy around?

    1. No, River...it will be just me and my two furry rascals. (I've special treats for them over and above them sharing some of my seafood)!

      I left an open invitation for my ex to come up for Christmas but he is going to visit his brother and his family, but it appears he, my ex, will come up to celebrate his birthday with me on 11th January. I made my Christmas cakes a few weeks ago and posted one to my ex as part of his Christmas gift...he always likes my fruit cakes. My cupboards and fridge/freezer are always full to overflowing..it's just the way I am and have always been...totally insane! :)

      I don't mind at all spending the day alone...actually, I enjoy it...doing it my way...the relaxed way! lol


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