Musical Monday # 78

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Tony Worsley

something a little more soothing to listen to....

Velvet Waters

and because it is mid-December: Mariah Carey

All I Want for Christmas is You
(hope it plays)


  1. I've never heard these songs before, although I used to like Mariah Carey but haven't heard much of her lately. I think I should play some Christmas music in the house so it feels Christmasy. I was going to put up some outdoor lights and today might be the day as it feels a little warmer. I did put wreaths on three of the fence gates and the neighbors say they look cheerful.

  2. I prefer Velvet Waters I think, but neither are really my taste. (Such as it is.)

  3. Boy! It's years and years since I've heard Tony Worsley. I was never much of a fan. (When he hit the scene, I probably was just that bit out of the age group that became fans). Icould take or leave him.

    Being me, after you posted this I had to go and find out what ever happened to him. And I discovered here lives up this way around Hervey Bay approx 33ks north of Maryborough; 3-1/2hrs north of Brisbane. You will note in the site attached that he started of his tour last year in Adelaide!

    I acknowledge Carey is brilliant at what she does, but I'm not a fan of her music, either. I've never had any of her music amongst my collection.

  4. Manzanita; it's warmer here too, 37.2C today, heading for the 40Cs + by the weekend. People here don't seem to do Christmas wreaths anymore, everywhere I look, all I see is giant red bows on fences or doors and on the stobie poles along the streets.

    Elephant's Child; I went outside my 'zone' for these two songs, neither has ever been on any of my play lists.

    Lee; I don't have any music from these two performers either. I didn't want to put up the same selection as last years Boney M fest, so went searching for something different. (actually....asked someone else for ideas)
    I thought Tony Worsley was from a much older era.

  5. Have'nt heard of Tony. Well, i don't think i have. Am at the beach, will listen when i go home tomorrow.
    Mariah, beautiful voice but not necessarily my cup of tea, her style.

  6. Margaret-whiteangel; Tony was around in the 60s and I don't remember any of his songs. Mariah Carey isn't a favourite of mine either, but I chose it because this is the time of year kids everywhere are saying "all I want for Christmas is..."


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