Whimsical Wednesday # 207

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that  Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.


  1. Elephant's Child; for sure and a great sense of humor too, as Dr Who anyway.

  2. The best Dr Who, Well I like him.

  3. I really like David Tennant and will watch any show he appears in....the only time I've watched a Dr. Who series was when he played Dr. Who.

  4. Merle; he was the best Doctor, but the one just before him wasn't too bad either.

    Lee; I haven't seen David in many shows, there has been a couple but I don't remember what they were. I liked the Doctor just before him too, and I have that season on DVD where it starts with the old Doctor rescuing Rose then later becoming the David Tennant Doctor.


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