Whimsical Wednesday # 204

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

Ha Ha


  1. Good Morning....at least it's morning for me.
    Hahaha I love birds of a feather. They always flock together.

  2. I smiled at the photo - but then laughed out loud when I read the caption!

  3. My God! You got it right in one!!! :)

  4. No need to check. You can be sure I'll be here.

  5. ...I'm here too......
    hehehe.... great chicken....
    Hugs .... Barb xxx

  6. Manzanita; we are all birds of a feather aren't we? :)

    Delores; yip yip here too.

    fishducky; I knew you'd be here!

    Susan F; It's true and funny!

    Elephant's Child; I'm thinking of emailing this to other friends who don't blog, but have computers.

    Lee; I'm just so clever *~*

    Andrew; you're always here :)

    Vicki; some chickens are geniuses. Have emailed you.

    Barbara; I thought you might still be sleeping off that Christmas dinner.

  7. Margaret-whiteangel; and it works for everyone!

  8. Chickens are smarter than they look.

  9. Chickens (mainly roosters) have always scared me (bad childhood experience). This chicken has that same look in its eyes. I'll be posting my writing tomorrow on Friday. Awesome choice of words!

  10. Chickens (mainly roosters) have always scared me (bad childhood experience). This chicken has that same look in its eyes. I'll be posting my writing tomorrow on Friday. Awesome choice of words!


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