Wednesday's Words on a Friday

On Wednesdays, assorted people have been taking monthly turns at putting up a selection of six (or twelve) words which is called “Words for Wednesday”.

We have taken over this meme from Delores, who had been having computer problems
This month the meme continues here, at Drifting Through Life.

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.   

Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  We would really like it if as many people as possible joined in with this fun meme.  
If you are posting on your own blog - let us know so that we can come along and read your masterpiece.
I’m hopeless at poetry so I always do a story.

It’s a fun challenge…why not join in?

This week's words are:

1. extrapolate
2. coconut
3. spirited
4. schism
5. paltry
6. motivation


"he had blithely gone his own way, carelessly breaking my heart as he waved goodbye"

Here is my story:


We'd been head over heels in love.
I still was head over heels in love, but he had blithely gone his own way, carelessly breaking my heart as he waved goodbye.
Now here he stood before me, smiling as if we hadn't just spent two years apart, smiling as if we were still sweethearts. I wanted to smack that smile, but I also wanted to throw myself into his arms.

Chapter one:

Mr. Becker's voice droned on and on, "the schism between the parties..." I barely heard him, lost as I was in my daydream. His teaching method was so dull and dry, I had no motivation whatsoever to pay attention and actually learn something. 

"....from this we can extrapolate...."  I left Mr. Becker and the class behind as in my mind I rode my spirited steed along a blindingly white shore, coconut palms on one side, sparkling clear water and a coral reef on the other. 
My brain dimly registered that my grades for this class had been paltry all year , but the subject didn't interest me at all and Mr. Becker's teaching method certainly wasn't inspiring enough to keep me away from the beaches and coral reefs where I hoped one day to run a pair of charter boats for divers.  
Perhaps a whole fleet of boats, the reefs were rumored to be home to many old shipwrecks.


  1. I certainly was taught by a Mr Becker or two. And my mind ran free too.
    Another great use of the words.

  2. Your prologue made me wanting more...actually I was expecting more...thinking it was leading into the following tale wherein you used the given words. However, the prologue was an excellent vehicle for the phrase....

    And Mr. Becker's monologue...his class may have been boring but admirably you utilised the words. Again excellent, River! :)

  3. Not to extrapolate, said Lady S, but I hear you're having a holiday house built down in Portsea.

    Good heavens, said Sir Henry, you do get around don't you, can't hide a thing from you. Well it's nothing much, bit of a shack really; ten bedrooms.

    Ten bedrooms?

    And a coconut tree.

    A coconut tree? Seems rather paltry.

    Keeps the rain off your head.

    What - the tree?

    No, my dear, the little shack I'm building. As I say, it's not much, but the twenty foot ceiling should keep the rain off my head, eh? haw haw haw.

    Poor man, thought Lady S, he's losing his marbles.

    Not happy with the way it's progressing, grumbled Sir Henry, very slow, sometimes I think these chaps need an economic recession to wake them up a bit. Give them some motivation, eh? That's the difference - the schism between them and us you know: full bellies don't make good workman... Darn it all, I wouldn't mind a full blown Economic Depression!

    I don't like that word Depression, said Lady S, my late husband Sir William, as you know, had to make drastic changes to his soap production works during the ghastly crash of the 1930s. A recession would be a different matter, I don't mind that at all. In a recession the lower orders just move to a cheaper brand of soap, in a Depression they stop washing altogether!

    Quite so, said Sir Henry. Sorry, I never considered that, and was much relieved when his mistress approached and spirited him away.

    More love, less technology.

    1. A wonderful humorous tale with an excellent use of the words. :)

  4. Elephant's Child; thanks. The only Mr Becker I know is Dr John Becker of the afternoon TV show at 5.30.

    Lee; the prologue does lead in, I just didn't write that far yet.

    R.H. Twenty foot ceilings? Ten bedrooms? that's my kind of shack! Portsea is beachfront, right?
    I know how Sir Henry can get his empty-bellied workers to move faster. Feed them on site. Of course he wouldn't think of such a thing.
    Great use of the words, I like it.

  5. Margaret-whiteangel; thank you.

  6. Portsea is the Riviera of Melbourne, stupendous wealth, style, CLASS. You and me will never comprehend these people, nor them us. Wealth is a very high wall.

  7. Terrific use of the words, but you really did a good job with the prologue. You must have, because you left me wanting more. :)

    Teachers like Mr. Decker drone all the joy out of learning.

    Have a super weekend!

  8. R.H. that's right. I'd forgotten.

    Susan; the prologue leads in, but later in the story. I should probably get busy on that soon.

  9. ... Hello River.... I love your stories..
    I'm glad your neighbour asked you to help her... it's sad she is dying ...
    I do wonder about the English language .. I don't understand all my grand children say these days....
    I made my mum material sleeve protectors so she could read the paper every day and not get the ink from the newsprint on her dressing gown sleeves.....
    hugs... Barb xxx

  10. Barbara; thank you. I haven't seen neighbour for a couple of days, it's very hot here, so she's probably just staying inside. I see her cat out and about though, that means P is well enough to at least open the door for him.
    You're very clever to make sleeve protectors, material ones wouldn't be any good for washing up though, they'd get wet and so would my sleeves. I must remember not to wear the tight sleeve pyjamas until I cut off the cuff which is the tight bit.

  11. .. I usually have to cut the cuffs off the sleeves and legs f my pj's because I'm short... you could use a big elastic band to hold your sleeves up.... my daughter does this.. forgot to mention this idea yesterday.. xxxxxxx


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