look at them grow!

I have tomato flowers!
These are on the plant labelled "Yellow Peach".
The one I bought at the Community Garden.
I'm wondering if it really is a variety I've never heard of, or if it's a mistakenly labelled yellow pear, which is a small pear shaped salad tomato, like the red figs I grew a couple of summers ago, but yellow.
Time will tell.

And a dark red rosebud. The only surviving cutting from the red bush.

My first day back at work went well. I took things slowly, stopped every hour for a cheese and crackers snack, drank a full 600ml bottle of gatorade as well as about 500ml of water in the four hour shift.
Came home and had a short nap, then got right into catch up reading here on the internet. I'm still not completely caught up....
Yesterday, I worried about how I would cope with working so soon after being so ill.
Today, I'm amazed at how well I feel.


  1. How I envy you your tomatoes as I sit here in Oregon, USA's cold and ever drizzly winter. May you continue to get better and better.

  2. take it easy - it is well documented that our bodies can only do repairs while we are resting/asleep.
    Those photos are gorgeous.

  3. Snowbrush; welcome. I'll hop over and see your blog in a minute.

    Ann O'Dyne; I'm resting quite a lot, because basically I'm a lazy so and so, and I sleep well at night too.

  4. Tom flowers and that rosebud look great :)
    Glad to hear you're pacing yourself, no need to have a relapse.


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