Sunday Selections #3

Sunday Selections was thought of by Kim, from Frogpondsrock.

To participate, select a few photos from your files,that have not yet been seen anywhere on your blog, post them under the Sunday Selections title, then head on over to Kim's and add your name to the linky list.

This week's theme at Drifting Through Life, is "Waiting".

Waiting for the washing to dry.

Waiting for collection.

Waiting for distribution.

Waiting at the lights.

Waiting for a friend.
Go ahead, hunt up some dusty old photos, and link up with Sunday Selections.


  1. I particularly love the washing photograph, these are great!

  2. I see a pair of mens trousers on that line.

  3. How about waiting for the sun to rise, a baby to be born, those damned red lights to change when your in a hurry, for the kettle to boil [When you watch it, it never does] and finally for the sun to set.

  4. I like your theme! Love the picture of the lady at the end - priceless!

  5. I might have to join up on this one I reckon. Top photos as usual, River.

  6. R.H. those are my trousers. Black for work.

    Windsmoke; we do spend a lot of time waiting for various things don't we?

    Adam I Zucker; thanks. Your photography is stunning.

    Jay at The Depp Effect; welcome to drifting.
    She was lovely. I asked her permission to take the photo and put it on my blog, then we had a lovely little chat about why I do this and the internet in general.

    Kath; yes please, do join in. I'd love to see more of your photos.

  7. Oh river these are fantastic. Our wheelie bins are green lol. I have never seen blue wheelie bins. I love the small differences in cities :)

  8. frogpondsrock; our household bins are green too, with red lids. Different suburbs have different coloured lids. Our recycle bins have yellow lids, our green waste bins have green lids. These blue and yellow bins are from a restaurant.


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