a surprise and a bug

When I checked my mailbox yesterday afternoon, I found this parcel. I didn't recognise the sender or the return address, but it was addressed to me, so I opened it.

And found these. Two boxes of Be Natural snack bars. Then I remembered entering a giveaway review done by Jodie from Lightening.
I'd completely forgotten that these were coming my way.

Here's a closer look, so you can read on the packet what is in them.

I've tried one of the currant/berry ones and found it to be yummy and chewy. Soft enough for my poor old teeth to bite into too. I don't like the harder snack bars that almost need a chainsaw to get through.
I'm looking forward to trying one of the coconut/apricot ones tomorrow.

Earlier this morning, I went out to hunt for caterpillars, but didn't find any.
I did find that two of my capsicum buds were now flowers. They're so tiny, about a cm across.

Notice the inside of this one is different from the other one above. It's probably going to be a different coloured capsicum.

Something else I spotted?
This bug. I've never seen one of these before, so ran inside for the camera.
Okay, I walked. I'm not a runner.
He obligingly stayed still for me to take his picture, then he vanished.

Any idea what he is? Anybody? Kim?


  1. Glad you like them. Sorry they took so long to get to you.

    Not much help on the bug. I've never seen one before either.

  2. I've no idea about the bug sounds like he's just passing through and took a rest stop in your garden on his long journey, where ever that maybe. Those bars look yummmmy enjoy :-).

  3. River I've learned more about vegetable flowers and their differences from your blog than I have in my entire life. And strangely fascinating it is too.....

  4. Yes, it's nice to see.
    Gardening is a wonder, a marvellous distraction, and (if I may use the word) a creation.

  5. Lightening; the time is irrelevant, since I'd completely forgotten about them coming.

    Frogdancer; yes, they are.

    Windsmoke; Now I'm wondering where he's from and where he's going. And if he's a beneficial bug, why can't he stay and eat my whiteflies?

    Kath; you NEED to plant something and watch it grow and develop. Try a capsicum. They're hardy and grow reasonably quickly. Cherry tomato too.

    R.H. I do love getting out there among the green stuff.

  6. OH NO! I think it is fruit fly and it is not supposed to exist in Sth Oz!!

    If you see it again, you have contact your council!!!
    It will cost milions to your fruit industry.


  7. Call the Fruit Fly Hotline 1300 666 010!!



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