moved to tears

They are finishing the Oprah Aussie shows by singing "I still Call Australia Home".

I'm bawling my eyes out.

I love that song and I love my country.


  1. Does put a lump in the throat. I remember a time when they played it on QANTAS flights returning to Australia but they don't seem to do that anymore.

  2. I Still Call Australia Home written by Peter Allen should be Australia's National Anthem because it sums up Australia and the Australian people, what do ya reckon?

  3. Australia is a cringing bootlicking obedient litte lapdog.

    Worst in the world.

  4. Damn - forgot to watch it last night - was too busy beating Sapph at Monopoly.....

  5. Baino; I really like the latest version they've used for advertisements, the one with the islander boy singing the first verse in his native tongue. That's the one they sang last night. All the choir kids were there, then other adults sang a verse. Olivia Newton-John sang and a man whose name I don't know.

    Windsmoke; it would certainly be more popular than what we've got now.

    R.H. not a fan of your own country? Shame on you.

    Kath; I wonder if the series will go to DVD, so that people who missed it can buy it.

  6. River, I did exactly the same thing! That song ought to be the national anthem, I agree with Windsmoke. By the way, I only just noticed your listed occupation... very funny! xo

  7. Being Me; I'm an old chook. Much too old to be a checkout chick.


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