online supermarket shopping? I'll pass.

Because browsing the aisles for yourself means you spot new stuff.

Like this new tuna flavour pictured below. (95g can)

I had a lightbulb moment.

A quick, mental, pantry/fridge check recalled rice,

spring onions and half a carrot. Only half? I'd better buy more carrots.

I cooked a little rice, about half a cup, and stirfried the vegetables.

Then I tossed the tuna and ginger, (drained of the oil in which it had been packed), in with the stirfry. Look at all the ginger shreds!

By this time the rice was cooked, so I drained it, added it to the stirfried veg, then added an extra teaspoon or so of soy sauce, since there didn't appear to be much in the can, probably just a little to flavour the oil, which I had drained off.

Served it in a bright bowl, to add to the visual appeal. It looks nice.....tasty......

And it was very nice. Tasty without being overpowering in any way, this is a meal that could be served to children, there are no strong flavours to put them off, yet it's not so bland as to pass for baby food. Simple, quick, acceptable food.

Although next time, yes, there will be a next time, I'll use two spring onions instead of just one.
And maybe use the chopsticks.

Live and learn.


  1. Yum - I might try making that for lunch tomorrow - will add my own ginger to the little tin of tuna that LC and Sapph left me in the cupboard.

    Todays lunch? Saladas with cream cheese. Those two buggers took the vegemite!

  2. Yeah - nothing beats eyeballing new products, unless you're trying to save money ... but then you'd miss the fun of selecting and experimenting with something new! Which HAS to be worth maybe spending a bit extra!

    Your recipe looks delicious!! I'd MAYBE add a bit of coriander?

  3. Kath; you don't keep a spare jar of vegemite handy? How very un-Australian of you. I thought all mums had a secret stash. Of vegemite, of course, not chocolate.

    Red Nomad OZ; If you like coriander, go ahead and try it. I think it's a little overpowering myself, but that would also depend on how much you put in and whether you use fresh or dried.

  4. I don't trust shopping online to many hackers ready to rip you off. Your recipe looks yummmmy. You're right it's un-Australian not to have a stash of Vegemite.

  5. Windsmoke; even my mum, who hated vegemite, always made sure there was an extra jar available for us kids who loved the stuff.

  6. I love going round the supermarket but I have signed up for organic vegetables and tofu to be delivered every Friday. Last week I tried the fruit and veg box and this week I'll try just the veg box. It's great to have the vegetables every week and not just the pension day shop and I can pay by Bpay. I wouldn't like to do all the shopping online though, might miss a chocolate on sale.


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